Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I've Hit A Plateau

That's right. An exercise plateau.

When you do the same workout routine for 6 weeks or so, your body adapts to the workout, becomes more efficient at it, and therefore you burn fewer calories because your body isn't working as hard. Makes sense, right?

I'm headed to the gym after work today to see a trainer and get a new workout routine for the next 6 weeks. I always love getting a new workout plan because it brings some freshness to my daily workout and makes my muscles sore again. I'm especially excited about the new routine I'm learning today because the exercises are a little more challenging and interesting than any of the others I've done.

Here are a few common reasons why you may hit a plateau:
  • doing the same workout over and over
  • not eating enough calories (your body needs calories to burn them!)
  • overtraining (when you burn a lot of calories working out too often, your body may decrease the amount of calories you burn for the rest of the day)

I'm ready to leave this plateau behind and start climbing again. I'll let you know how it goes...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Check this out: https://www.charlotteadventurebootcamp.com/

If it's anything like the boot camp group I belong to in Las Vegas, it'll rock your world. Our workouts are 1hr long, different every day, and worth about five hours of working out on my own.

You know what else is really good exercise? Posting adorable photos/stories of my nephews. :)

- Eric (Liz's bro)