Monday, June 2, 2008

Amy the Blue Boy Fish

I was greeted at the door this morning by a smiling Sam yelling, "Mrs. Allison! I got a FISH!"

"A FISH? No way!" I exclaimed, feeding his excitement. "Let's see this fish," I said.

Sam led me to the kitchen where he proudly introduced me to his blue Beta fish. His name is Amy. Yes. HIS name is Amy.

Amy is the name of Sam's "best girl friend" at school. In an effort to never forget her, he named his "blue boy fish" (as he calls it) after her. So romantic.

Seeing Sam's fish took me back to my sophomore year in college when my old roommate Syd and I went to PetSmart and made the spontaneous decision to buy two Beta fish for our bedroom. I named my red fish "Blue." I wish I could remember what Syd named hers because I'm sure it was wittier than the irony I came up with. Our fish lived happily on our desks for a few months and know...they died.

Needless to say, I decided not to tell Sam what happened to my Beta fish. I'm sure he'll experience the flushing ritual that comes after the death of his beloved fish someday...but I hope that day comes far, far in the future.

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