Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Where's Aaron?

Once every 2 months or so, Aaron has to be "on call" 24 hours a day for an entire week for his job. When he's on call, he has to go into the office on Saturday. As a trade-off, his boss gives him a day off during the week. Aaron is on call this week and today was his day off.

When I walked through the door from work this afternoon, I found my husband in his pajamas preparing to vacuum the downstairs carpet. He had already shaken out the rugs and swept the kitchen floor. I smiled and thought to myself, "Who is this man and what has he done with my husband?"

Just kidding.

Because my love language is "acts of service," Aaron knows that helping me around the house equals happiness for everyone. I love him.

When I came upstairs after putting away the leftovers from dinner, I found Aaron watching Nanny 911 on TV...and he was enjoying it. Seriously...who is this man and what has he done with my husband??

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