Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Mist

So...Aaron and I just got home from our date to the movies. But he had to go back because he just realized he left his favorite hat in the theater. I'm still trying to process the movie we just saw.

Aaron and I went to see The Mist tonight. When I read the preview on Fandango I thought it sounded pretty stupid. However, after we watched the movie trailer online I changed my mind. It's a movie based on a Steven King novel...and Steven Spielberg directed there's no way it could be dumb, right? Well let me tell you - it definitely wasn't dumb - but the ending is so incredibly disturbing that I may not be able to sleep tonight. It wasn't disturbing in a scary way (although I jumped quite a few times throughout the movie) was disturbing in a I-can't-believe-someone-could-really-come-up-with-a-story-that-screwed-up-in-the-end kind of way. I was so stunned at the ending that my body went completely numb. My mouth gaped open. The theater was completely silent. I almost felt like I had witnessed something I shouldn't have. You'll have to see it to understand what I mean.

As we walked back to the car, Aaron made a really good point. No matter how messed-up the end of a movie is or how much I wanted it to end happily, it's almost always that ending that makes the movie so great. The Mist was an excellent movie...disturbing ending and all.

Now I'm going to try to get some sleep...

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