Monday, November 5, 2007

Conversations with a 3-year-old

Sam and I have some very interesting conversations in the car. Here's the conversation he and I had on the way to school this past Friday:

Sam: "Miss Allison, how come Mommy and Daddy go to work but you don't?"
Me: "I do go to work, Sam. You and Toby are my work."
Sam: "No...I mean...Why don't you go to REAL work?"
Me: "Taking care of you and Toby is REAL work. I make sure you're always safe and take you to fun places and play with you and take good care of you.
Sam: "Yeah."

I love how children speak their minds about what many adults think but never say. Lots of people think I don't have a REAL job. Guess what. I do. I get a little bothered when people think my job isn't important or "real" because I don't think they realize how truly difficult it is. I challenge you to spend a few days in the shoes of a nanny or "stay-at-home-parent." Raising children has to be one of the most important and rewarding careers EVER. I'm not saying you have to stay at home to raise your children to the best of your ability (both of my parents had a career and I turned out okay!), but I think it's very important for children to have excellent guidance and dependable role models to look up to. Thanks to all of the moms and dads (and nannies!) who are raising the next generation to be responsible, honest, caring, God-loving individuals. You rock.

Here's the conversation Sam and I had on the way to school this morning:

Sam: "Miss Allison, did you know that marry is a BIG BIG party?"
Me: "What?"
Sam: "Being marry is a BIG BIG party!"
Me: "Do you mean that being married is a big party?"
Sam: "Yeah!"
Me: "Who told you that?"
Sam: "Mrs. Paine (one of his teachers at school)."
Me: "Being married is a big party. Most of the time."
Sam: "Yeah."

I love being married! Dealing with finances and grown-up stuff isn't always so fun, but as long as I have Aaron to journey through life with it'll be a BIG BIG party, for sure. I love you, Baby! Thanks for always encouraging me and challenging me to be a better person day after day. You're the BEST leader, and I nub u lots.

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