Sunday, August 31, 2008

Trading Sadness for Rainbows...

I've been really emotional today. I think I'm suffering from the "vacation-is-coming-to-an-end" blues. 

We left Sean's dad's house in Bend this morning. Looking at the mountains out of the back seat of the Yaris made me reminisce about all of the memories we've made and awesome experiences we've had in the past 8 days. I'm not quite ready to go home yet.

As we drove through the lava fields and visited the Dee Wright Observatory on the McKenzie pass on our way to Eugene, it began to snow! Isn't it amazing how the temperature can be 95 degrees one day and below freezing the next? God is awesome.

We spent most of our day in the car (Bend to Eugene to Salem to Portland). The rain seemed to feed my sensitive mood and I felt really silly for being so emotional all day. Just as I was praying for the Lord to help me be thankful for what I've experienced instead of sad for what's ending, I saw one of the most beautiful rainbows I've ever seen. A few hours later we saw another one. And another. And another...

My God is greater than words can express...

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