Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mountains and Ocean...A Great Combination

Sean, Aaron, and I hiked 8 miles of the Oregon coast today. The trail was extremely wet and muddy, but very beautiful. I’ve never hiked a mountain where I could hear waves crashing below. It was awesome.

At the end of our hike, we came across an old bunker used to protect the US coast from the Japanese in World War II. It was cool, but a little creepy. Between the Lewis & Clark Expedition and World War II, the Oregon coast is full of history. I love it!

We took it easy this afternoon. After 3-and-a-half long days of adventuring, we needed the afternoon to relax and nap.

Tonight, we went to dinner at Mo’s Seafood Restaurant at Cannon Beach. There were lots of people camping and building fires on the beach. That’s something you can’t do at the beach in Charleston, SC where I grew up!

Now it's time for bed...

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