Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Bath Time With The Boys

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are usually bath days for Sam and Toby. They LOVE splashing around...and I love watching them play together.

I took the boys with me to Target on Monday to get a few things. As I was browsing through the baby area (the boys needed baby shampoo), I noticed a bottle of Spongebob bubble bath. Any of you who know Sam also know that he is obsessed with I thought it would be a reasonable reward for good behavior. Our deal was that if he was a good boy, he would get to have a Spongebob bubble bath that day.

Monday was a rough day. No bubble bath for the boys that day.

Today was much better, though. After Liz brought Sam back from his 4-year-old check-up at the doctor's office (he got 3 shots and was soooo pitiful when he came home), he was ready for that Spongebob bubble bath.

I undressed Toby, Sam started the water in the tub, and Toby peed on the floor. And the bath tub. And the rug. I should know better than to take Toby's diaper off even 30 seconds before I put him in the tub. This happens almost weekly.

Anyway, I poured the bubble bath in the tub and the boys had a blast. Here are some pictures:

Most of the bubbles are gone because Toby ate them.

Toby's mohawk. His hair so getting so long! I keep telling Liz she should take him to get it cut. She says no. Period. :)

Sam stealin' some smooches from Toby.

Toby escaped from me while I was trying to put his pajamas on him. He darted to the bookshelf, pulled out this book, and dropped it in my lap. How could I resist reading a book to that cute face?

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