Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My Birthday Week :)

In an effort to temporarily escape the wrath of Turbo Tax this past Saturday (Aaron and I owe the Federal government money), he and I went to REI to pick out birthday presents for 2 of our best friends Mani and Robert. As everyone knows, only the best people were born in April. Mani's birthday was on the 5th. Mine is April 11th. Robert's is April 20th. Hey, I'm just sayin'...

Anyway, Mani and Robert have always been interested in hiking and backpacking. Recently, they've begun acquiring their own equipment so they don't have to rent equipment every time we want to go backpacking. Aaron has had his own equipment for almost 10 years and has been a big help to the guys as they decide what equipment is essential to purchase first.

Aaron and I decided a few months ago that we want to make backpacking a more regular activity in our lives. Since Aaron has all of the major equipment we would need to survive in the wilderness (backpacking stove, water filter, 2-person tent), I would just need the basics: a backpack and a sleeping bag. Renting those items from a backpacking store would cost me at least $40 each time, not to mention I have no idea who slept in the bag before me or how much of their sweat was absorbed in the back pads of the pack. Um, gross.

I tried on a few packs and crawled into a few sleeping bags at REI last month and picked out the most comfortable items I would need for backpacking. Aaron (being the awesome online bargain-shopper that he is) wanted to surf the web to find the best prices on my gear and perhaps, one day when a upcoming trip deemed it necessary, buy my equipment then.

When we arrived home from REI on Saturday afternoon, there on our doorstep sat a big brown box. Aaron told me I wasn't allowed to look at it. Can we say birthday present?

I love surprises. I don't think Aaron enjoys them as much. After putting the mystery box away in the garage, he asked, "Do you want to open your present now...or do you want to wait?" What he really meant was, 'I want you to open your present now because I can't possibly wait to see your reaction.' It didn't really matter to me...a surprise is a surprise no matter when I open my birthday present. Besides, my birthday lasts all week. The festivities will continue until Friday :)

When I couldn't stand the excitement any longer, I gave in and opened one of my birthday presents a week early. It was my Gregory Deva 60 backpack! What meant more to me than the actual backpack was how much effort Aaron had put into finding it. He hadn't just gone to one website (or the very expensive REI) to find it...Aaron had searched for days to find the particular backpack I wanted in my size at a great price (we have a budget for each other's birthday gifts). I love my new backpack (and my little bargain-shopper!). Thanks for the wonderful gift, Love! I can't wait to use it soon :)

And the birthday week continues...

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