Wednesday, April 23, 2008


My boss Mike subscribes to WIRED magazine - a very geeky, technologically savvy read. I'm neither geeky nor technologically savvy, so the magazine usually isn't something I would pick up and read without being forced to do so against my own free will.

What caught my eye about April's issue of WIRED as it sat on the kitchen counter was the graphic on the cover: the Apple logo wrapped in barbed wire. The title underneath stated "Evil/Genius." I was interested.

I read the entire article, all of the information in the sidebars (Breaking the Rules and Our Bad), and laughed out loud several times. Who knew that reading about business and technology could be so much fun?!

Having a husband who is most definitely a geek means that I am often times subjected to hearing him talk about computers. I thought it would be fun to read the article from WIRED and then go home and tell Aaron what I had learned. He was very impressed with my new-found knowledge of the Silicon Valley, all of the businesses that reside there, and why the people who run Apple are truly Evil Geniuses. Of course, he already knew everything I had learned...but he thought it was cute that I tried to talk about computers with him :)

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