Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Carolinas Aviation Museum

I almost peed in my pants today.

Let me explain.

I've been wanting to take the boys to the Carolinas Aviation Musuem for months now, but every time I get a chance to take them it's either Monday (the only day the museum is closed) or rainy. I've been trying to find new things to do with the boys since Sam doesn't have school this week and the weather was perfect for a trip to the Aviation Museum this morning.

As we drove towards the airport, we began to see quite a few airplanes landing and taking off. I turned onto the road where the Museum is located, drove past the National Guard station, and continued down a long gravel road. All of a sudden, I looked up and saw what looked like an American Airlines jet preparing to land on my vehicle. I gasped, and Sam yelled, "Look, Mrs. Allison! An AIRPLANE!" No kidding.

I knew the Aviation Museum was close to the airport. I didn't know it was 500 yards from the runway. Jeez...

The musuem wasn't open when we got there, so we pulled over at the end of the gravel road, laid out a blanket on the grass, and watched the planes take off and land. The boys and I were fascinated. Sam and Toby actually sat still for an entire hour while they watched the planes. Toby would say "Oooooooooh!" while pointing at the planes. Then he would wave to each one (with both hands) and yell, "Bye bye! Bye bye!" When Sam heard the planes power up in preparation for their trip down the runway, he'd yell, "Ready, set, BLASTOFF!" I tried to expain to him that planes are a little different than space shuttles...

The museum was okay, but not worth another eight dollars for me to get in (kids under age 5 are free). The boys seemed to like watching the planes more than walking around the musuem. I have a feeling that going to our little lookout spot is going to become a weekly routine.

Click here to view the slow times at Charlotte/Douglas International Airport (beware - the list is in military time!). Any other time is perfect for watching the planes land and take-off. The boys and I watched the planes from 9:40 until 10:40 this morning and there was never a break in action. Go check it out! You'll be amazed...


Anonymous said...

Good! Let's meet at William Davies Park off of Pineville Mathhews road at 10:30! Can't wait!

Marybeth Whalen said...

Hey-- let me know when you are going the next time and I will bring Bradley and Annaliese-- they would love to go and I will be inspired to venture out if someone holds me accountable to actually go!