Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sam's Girlfriend

Sam is very fond of a little girl in his class named Grace. For the past few months he has referred to her as his "girlfriend".

He's four.

I thought girls were supposed to be "yucky" when little boys are four.

Sam usually figures out some way to incorporate Grace into many of our daily conversations. Even when Sam talks to Aaron, he talks about Grace. Here's a conversation they had today:

Aaron: Hi boys!
Sam: Hi Mr. Aaron!
Aaron: How are you?
Sam: I have a girlfriend.
Aaron: You do?
Sam: Yes. And her name is Grace.
Aaron: Well, I have a wife (he points to me and makes a silly face).
Sam: Yeah. I'm gonna marry Grace one day.
Aaron: Oh. Have you told her that?
Sam: Yeah.

When I woke Sam up from his nap today, the startled look on his face told me he'd been dreaming about something.

"Were you dreaming?" I asked him.
"Yes," he replied.
"What were you dreaming about?" I inquired.
"I was dreaming about marrying Grace," he said.
Of course he was. All 4-year-olds dream about getting married, right?

Sam is head-over-heels for Grace...and evidently it's getting pretty serious :)

I'll keep you updated...

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