Monday, March 10, 2008

The Mystery Bonsai Tree

When I walked through the front door of my home last Wednesday evening, the first thing I saw was a small bonsai tree in the middle of our empty living room floor. Evidently it had come in the mail and Aaron had opened it on his lunch break.

I inspected the papers that had come in the box with the bonsai tree:
  • A gift invoice for one bonsai tree from a company called "Red Envelope".
  • A red envelope with a card enclosed. The card read: "Welcome Home". And that's it. No name. No clue as to who could have sent us the cute little tree.
  • A list of 73 instructions on how to care for the finicky bonsai tree. OK, maybe the list only had 8 instructions on it, but it might as well have been 73. Am I caring for a tree or a child?
I don't know much about trees and plants, but I do know that bonsai trees are some of the hardest trees to keep alive. I hope we don't kill it.

When I started thinking about who could have sent us the tree, the stylish, thoughtful, and trendy Tonia Bendickson was the first to pop into my mind. Surely she had sent it to us as our first housewarming gift. When I asked her about it, she said she wished that she could take credit for the idea...but, no, she hadn't sent it to us.

So who is the mystery bonsai tree from? I've been racking my brain all weekend. Any clues (or revelations) would be warmly welcomed :)

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