Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Family and Friends

This weekend is going to be tons of fun! Not only is Easter the best holiday EVER, but my family is coming to Charlotte to celebrate with us. My parents and brother should arrive at our house on Saturday morning and they'll stay until Tuesday afternoon.

I love that my family will be at Elevation for Easter. They've been to Elevation four times before, but I have a feeling the Easter service on Sunday will blow the socks off of any other service they've attended. I can't wait!

Our college friend, Orte, is also coming (from New York!) to stay with us for a week. He should arrive Friday afternoon and he'll stay until the following Friday. Orte and Aaron are leaving sometime on Sunday to go backpacking in the foothills until Wednesday. It'll be good "guy time" for them :)

Now that Aaron and I have living room and bedroom furniture, our house feels more like a home. Our furniture is gorgeous (I promise to post pictures as soon as we get everything situated for my family to visit this weekend) and it looks better in our house than I could have ever imagined. Our goal for this week (deadline: FRIDAY) is to set up the guest rooms so my parents will have a place to sleep. One room is pretty much done. The other one still needs some work.

I'll post pictures soon.

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