Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hurry Home, Liz!

It's been a rough week for the boys and me...and I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Liz being out of town since Saturday. She's away at a conference in Florida learning about eyes and stuff (she's a Neuro-Ophthalmologist) and Sam is here in Charlotte using her as his every excuse as to why he can't possibly seem to be good.

Liz called this afternoon and this is how the conversation went:

Sam: Hi Mommy!
Liz: Hi Sam. I hear you haven't been a very good boy while I've been away.
Sam: Yeah. I'm watching the Backyardigans! The "Quest for the Flying Rock" one! (I pause the TV in an attempt to get him to focus on what she's saying)
Liz: Why weren't you a good boy at school today?
Sam: (squirming all over the place) Ummmmmmm...I don't know. I just wasn't...
Liz: I don't like to hear that you're causing trouble for everyone. I'll be home tomorrow but I need you to be good...
Sam: Ok. Bye bye Mommy. (He hands the phone back to Mike)
Liz: Sam, I love you very much and I really need you to be good...
Sam: I love you, Mommy. Bye bye.

In one ear and out the other, I'm sure.

Then, it was Toby's turn to "talk":

Liz: Hi Tober Dober!
Toby: (grinning from ear to ear) Mmmmmwah! (He blows her a kiss)
Liz: Oh! Thank you! Have you been a good boy?
Toby: Uh-huh!
Liz: Oh, good. I'll see you tomorrow! Bye bye!
Toby: (waving and blowing kisses at the same time)

That was one of the cutest things I've seen in a long time.

Hurry home, Liz! We all miss you very much! There's no love like Mommy's love...and no matter how hard I try to fill your shoes for a few days, you're still a bazillion times better than me :)

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