Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Audrey Caroline

While the boys were napping today, I found myself clicking from one blog to another in search of something interesting to read. Boy, did I find what I was looking for.

I spent quite a while reading Angie Smith's blog that tells the story of her precious daughter, Audrey Caroline, and the imact her short life has made on the kingdom of God (Angie's husband is a singer in the Christian music group, Selah). Start by reading the first entry and move forward from there.

Angie's strength, faithfulness, and honesty astound me. Her story is incredible and you'll feel like you're sitting in God's lap as you read her beautifully honest emotions put into words.

This letter that Angie wrote to Audrey is one of the most beautiful pieces of literature I've ever read. You'll want to have a box (yes, an entire box) of tissues handy.

Enjoy and be blessed.

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