Friday, February 20, 2009


When I arrive at work each morning, I'm always amazed at how many new words Toby seems to come up with overnight. I think Sam reads the dictionary to him before bed :)

Here are a few silly things Toby has been saying lately that make laugh every time:
  • Toby walks through the house saying, "Miiiiiiiiiing Woooooong! Wiiiiiiiiiing Woooooooooooooong." When I ask him what he's doing he says, "Doobeaw, Sin! (Doorbell, Allison!) Miiiiiiiiiiing Woooooooooong!" Evidently the doorbell sounds like a Chinese guy's name.
  • Toby sings most of his words these days. When we're in the car, he looks out the window and sings, "Dare's no suuuuuuuuuun todaaaaaaaaay, Siiiiiiiiiin! Oh-ney coooooooooooouds!" (There's no sun today, Allison! Only clouds!). His little songs make me smile every time.
  • When Toby tries to get me to let him watch TV, he runs up to me, grabs the sleeve of my sweatshirt, puts his chin down on my arm, looks at me with puppy dog eyes, and says, "Pease pease pease pease pease pease pease peeeeeeeeeeeeeease?!" Where (and when) did he learn how to beg?
  • When Toby has something he wants to show me, he says, "Wait a min-ite, Sin. I be wite back..." (Wait a minute, Allison. I'll be right back...). Then he turns around and runs full speed into another room in search of whatever it is he wants to show me.
  • One of Toby's favorite books at the moment is this Winnie the Pooh sing-a-long thing. The microphone pops out of the front and he sings along with the button he chooses (always the "Eyore Likes to Walk Along" song). For some reason the song has been cutting off in the middle of Toby's solo and he gets a little angry. He sings, "Eyore wikes to wok-a-wong, wok-a-wong, wok-a-wong, Eyore wikes to...(song cuts off)...DANG IT! (He pushes the Eyore button again.) "Eyore wikes to wok-a-wong, wok-a-wong, wok...(song cuts off)...DANG IT!" I have NO IDEA where he learned the phrase "dang it" because no one around here says it. It's really hard to keep a straight face when I tell him that the phrase "dang it" is not nice to say.

On our way home from school today, Toby babbled on and on and on and on in the backseat next to Sam. Sam, the most talkative 5-year-old I've ever met, said, "Toby, are you ever going to be quiet? Why do you talk so much?"


Anonymous said...

Just what I needed today, made me laugh out loud. It's a lot funnier when I'm not in the middle of it. :)

Mike said...

I've never heard him say "Dang it!" The first time I do, I'll probably laugh for an hour, which will only encourage him.