Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Birfday!

The conversation Toby and I had as I changed his diaper the other day:

Toby: Sass-in?
Me: Yes, Toby?
Me: It's not my birthday, silly boy!
Toby: Yes! HAPPY BIRFDAY, Sin!
Me: No...
Toby: Oh. Happy birfday, head? Happy birfday, feet? Happy birfday toeeeeeeees?
Me (laughing): You're so silly, Toby!
Toby: You siwwy, Sin! HAPPY BIRFDAY!!! Cake? Cake, Sin? Cake? Peeeeeeeease???

There always seems to be a method to Toby's madness. I think he thought that if he could convince me that it was my birthday (or someone's birthday, for that matter), he would get cake for breakfast.

Nice try, Toby. Nice try :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He greeted everyone Sunday night with a hearty "Happy Birfday" as we opened the door. :)