Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sweet Silence

I used to hate silence. I used to turn the TV or radio on just to have some background noise. Somehow, the noise prevented me from feeling lonely and thinking too much.

And then Toby turned 2.

I thought that child would never learn to talk...but, boy, was I wrong.

Toby learns new words every day (and pronounces most of them wrong...which makes him extra-cute). He says the cutest little three-word-sentences. He repeats everything anyone says to him. He talks constantly (just like his brother). He spells everything. He's never quiet. Ever.

Now I treasure my quiet time each day while the boys nap. Sometimes it's the only time I have to myself all day. Sometimes it's the only time I get to think clearly all day.

Ahhh...sweet silence...

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