Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Music Genome Project

If you've never heard of Pandora Radio, you should check it out now. These people are geniuses.

So...let's say you fall in love with the music of Robbie Seay while on vacation in Oregon a few months ago. You have his CDs, but your husband is tired of listening to Robbie Seay and won't stay in the room (or car) with you if his music is playing. I...I mean you...obviously need some new music but don't know where to find artists with a similar sound.


Type in "Robbie Seay." Pandora creates a free radio station for you with other artists' songs that have a similar sound to his (like Passion, Hillsong, Tree63, Jeremy Camp, and the David Crowder Band among many others).

When you feel like listening to rap music while cleaning your house, type your favorite rapper's name into the seach bar and enjoy the selection of music that the geniuses at Pandora put together for you.

Come across a song you never want to hear again? Give it a "thumbs down" and Pandora will remember to never play it on your station again.

Read more about the Music Genome Project here. And get a free Pandora account. You'll love it.

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